Interview preparation
Our comprehensive courses give students the skills, confidence and ambition they need to impress their interviewers and earn admission into a selective school.
To pass selective school interviews, you must prepare for anything
Approximately 5,000 Year 8 students vie for 1,000 selective school offers every year. 10% are asked to sit for an additional interview. For Year 9 students, that number leaps up to 50%. These interviews, offered at the principal’s discretion, aim to identify ambitious, aspirational students whose values align with the selective school’s own.
These interviews aren’t solely about a student’s academic inclinations, but about their social, moral and personal ethos. To express such an ethos — to even have one at such a young age — is a daunting challenge.
Our selective school interview preparation course helps students clarify why they believe they’re worth a school’s investment, and gives them the tools to persuade principal’s to see their gifts.
How we’ll prepare your child for selective school interviews
Our interview preparation course encompasses eight classes: four group classes (held as 50-minute workshops) and four individual classes (held as 30-minute classes). Students will be guided by former selective school educators and students on what questions will be asked of them and how to respond most engagingly and persuasively.
Session 1
Session 1
Kick-off: Raison d’etre
We’ll begin by helping students define their ‘reason for being’: why, beyond academic opportunities, do they want to attend a selective school? The goal of this session is to ensure our students understand what their interviewer is actually looking for in a potential student.
We will discuss the values that selective schools share and which values are unique to each, helping students understand where they might fit in and how their current accomplishments might be presented in the best light.

Session 2
Session 2
Pool of questions and STAR format
In this class, we discuss what questions will likely be asked during the selective school interview. The insights we learned in Session 1 will give our students the foundation they need to define unique, personal answers to these questions.
We will also teach students the STAR interview format, in which answers are structured with a situation, task, action and result that demonstrates the students’ real-world experience and problem-solving skills.

Session 3
Session 3
Dress to impress
Now that students have a solid understanding of how selective school interviews are run, we will teach them how to present themselves in a professional, courteous manner.
We will discuss body language and professional language, including how to dress confidently and avoid colloquialisms and slang.

Session 4
Session 4
Mock group interview
Now, we help our students put everything they’ve learned together in a mock interview. Our educators, who have been through the selective school application process, will use their direct experience to gauge each student's performance.
We’ll use the insights we uncover to create tailored interview preparation plans for the one-on-one classes students will attend next.

Session 5
Session 5
Discovery session
At our first individual session, we will help our student further define their raison d’etre. Following the group sessions, we find it helpful for students to revisit the goals they defined in Session 1.
This class aims to define a more personal, unique and honest goal for seeking acceptance into an entry school. Honesty and clarity alleviate students' anxiety when they step into the interview room.

Session 6
Session 6
Storytime STAR
Having previously studied the STAR interview technique, the students will now be familiar with how to structure complex answers cogently. Now, we’ll develop their abilities further and teach them to answer with captivating stories and examples.
Assessors sit through hundreds of interviews; rote, unengaging answers immediately fade from memory, even if they are well structured. We teach students to engage their audience by evolving from passive interviewees to active interlocutors.

Session 7
Session 7
Practice questions
Think of this as a mock ‘mock interview’, in which we review the questions students are likely to be asked, and discuss how they might be answered using the personal insights and advanced techniques the students have now learned.
The goal of this class is to contextualise students’ learning, allowing them to hone in on what is most valuable in their answers to each question.

Session 8
Session 8
Mock interview
This final lesson is a staged mock interview, which we will conduct in the same style and format as the real thing, with no further guidance from our educators. Now, the students can put everything that they’ve learned into practice.
After the prior seven classes, we know that the students have the knowledge to answer the questions. The true goal of this session is to help them overcome their anxieties and realise that they are fully prepared and capable of acing their interview.

How we help our students excel in selective school interviews
Understanding your unique selling proposition
We work with you to understand your strengths, weaknesses, and personal aptitudes. Often, students display only surface-level understanding in high-pressure situations like interviews. At Integral, we dig deeper into your goals to find a clarity of purpose, and explore how your unique qualities can properly showcase yourself in your application letter and interview. This self-awareness shows a maturity prized by interviewers.
Understanding the school requirements
We make sure you’re asking the right questions. Schools have ideal candidates, and knowing what they are looking for is essential. We connect you with current students and alumni to get an insight into the community, opportunities, and culture of the school. Ultimately, we position your goals and personal beliefs with those of the school in order to showcase your value.
Perfecting interview technique
Our interview coaching will ensure that you are prepared for the application and interview with great ideas that are true to you, but still employ the structure that interviewers value. It is not only important to be saying the right things, but to say them in the right way – and to have them sound natural. At Integral, our speaking practice and curated techniques will help you bring your story to life in the interview room.
Let us help you define your child’s academic pathway

Hear from our students
Listen to our students, and you’ll see just how rewarding our courses can be.
Why choose Integral
Our educators offer students far more than rote subject tutoring.
We motivate
We motivate

We grow the individual
As if sitting the exam wasn’t anxious enough, the further dread of an interview can completely thwart a gifted, disciplined child’s conviction. We help them regain, maintain and grow their confidence in their abilities and worthy ambitions.
We develop
We develop

High success rate
Selective schools accept and reward socially conscious and engaged students who want to affect positive change. We help out students understand how their interests, extra-curricular activities and experiences make them more attractive applicants.
We learn
We learn

We develop alongside our students
It’s a cliché to say that no two children are alike, but, in our experience, students are often failed by tutors who force all students into a mould. Our students receive personalised learning plans that update with their evolving strengths and weaknesses.
We invest
We invest

We illuminate the big picture
Admission into a selective school is not a worthy goal in itself, but the pressure to succeed can make children feel as if it is. We help our students clarify their broader personal, academic and career goals so they don’t lose sight of what they’re truly working towards.
Here are a few insights into the selective school interview process. Please do call us if you’d like to discuss your child’s admission into our preparation courses.